
I don’t usually post election insights and sentiments here in facebook because, #1) I am not a good political analyst, #2) I don’t want to be one of those know-it-all “pabida”, #3) I am a registered voter but I can’t vote cause I am 13 hours away from my voting precinct (baka sabihin nila ‘so shut up na lang’ HAHAHA)

But this time, few hours before the election day, I’d like to share mine..

I choose to support DUTERTE. Basically maybe because I am one of those Filipinos who desperately wants a crime-free Philippines, a thing that needs the KAMAY NA BAKAL of this mayor. Who doesn’t want a safe place to live in? Who doesn’t want to feel comfortable and secured whenever you walk on streets? Most Filipinos want this change, that no matter what issue or controversy they throw to Digong, they still choose to support him.

As Digong say, “Obedience to the law is optional”, yes it’s true..very true. Especially now a days that bad people fear no one, even the law, the policemen and sadly, nor God.
Some people are afraid of him, and his soon-to-be administration because they say he kills people. Wait, he kills BAD PEOPLE. He kills criminals who KILL and DESTROY LIVES. If you do good and a law-abiding citizen, then why worry?

But then again, at the end of the day, CHANGE needs to start within OURSELVES. Duterte may just be the best way to help us. He may be just like a strict father who only wants what’s good for his children.

If he’ll make it, what he needs is OUR FULL COOPERATION. I hope we could support him the way we showed our warm support during the campaign period.


Hello! It’s been a while since the last time I published a blog..(good to be baaack hihi :D) And I’m happy that for my comeback, I give you the freshest news from Sterling Paper.

Would you agree if I say that coloring books are not just for kids? Well I’m pretty sure that most of you now know about this adult coloring book trend.

According to psychologists, coloring is one relaxation technique. It helps us release our stress, for whenever we do such activity, we tend to give our attention on it and not to worry on our problems or anything that bothers us. It also brings out your imaginative and creative side.

And so, going back, here’s the news. I’m so glad and proud that Sterling will launch its locally made adult coloring book named OBRA.

OBRA, a Spanish word which means ‘work‘. When we say ‘obra‘, most people associate it with art, as in obra maestra..masterpiece..work of art. Cause all of us is an artist in our own way, and everything we accomplish with passion and effort can be considered a masterpiece.

OBRA has 5 books with 5 different themes where you can choose from, or best, have it all and choose what to color depending on your mood. And here are the books of OBRA and a sneak peek on their pages.


BOTANICA. Coming from the word botany which is the study of plants, this is a book showing different illustrations of plants particularly flowers.


ANIMALIA. This is a coloring book of different animals artistically designed with aztec fine details


GRAPHIKA. This is perfect for fans of graffiti or street arts as it shows several graffiti-inspired drawings.


VIAJE. Spanish word which means journey. This lets you enjoy coloring activity while you visit different country’s famous places through this book.


IMAGO. This is inspired by the popular ‘doodle art‘, designed with cute icons ideal for teens and young adults.

Kathryn Bernardo enjoys OBRA Botanica during her photoshoot for Sterling


Looks familiar? Yes, that’s the Teen Queen Kathryn Bernardo as she continues to put colors on what I started (hihi cute!) 😀

At P149.75, this is waaay affordable than other adult coloring book.

Excited for this? Get your self ready as this will be officially launched to the market this October 2015!


And here we are again at the time of the year when BAGYOs and BAHAs come and go.. or the time when you started the day with the sunshine and ends with lightning and thunder.. but let me ask you, handa ka na ba


First and foremost, you always have to secure an PicsArt_1439032569617UMBRELLA in your bag. (This is indeed useful whether it’ll be for an unexpected rain or extreme heat of the sun). IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT, MAN.

I remember when I used to stay in a floody area in Malabon; where with just few raindrops, “ayan na si bahaaaa! >_<” Sometimes when the street is not passable by vehicles, I was left with no choice but to walk in the flood. Floodwater is not safe, IT’S NOT CLEAN, it may be from canal with floating garbages, rats, frogs etc. So if you’re in the same situation as mine (before), here are few reminders:

But before anything else, READ THIS:

“Pathogenic Leptospira spp. cause leptospirosis. Human infection occurs through direct contact with the urine of infected animals or by contact with a urine-contaminated environment, such as surface water, soil and plants. The causative organisms have been found in a variety of both wild and domestic animals, including rodents, insectivores, dogs, cattle, pigs and horses. Leptospires can gain entry through cuts and abrasions in the skin and through mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. Human-to-human transmission occurs only rarely.” -http://www.who.int/en/

So if you have an open wound especially on the lower part of your body, mmmh..isip-isip na. So girls, avoid extreme pedicure muna (like..mmh you know, most of the girls love to clean their nails until it bleed — HAHAHA guilty here!)

Sooo.. going back. Here are some few reminders and ‘things to prepare’ for the “operation sugod-baha” :


1) RUBBER SLIPPERS. (Better if you have rubber boots, but sometimes the floodwater is more than knee-deep high that boots will be useless).

PicsArt_14390325054062) BOTTLE OF WATER. (The bigger the better) For  convenience, you may use plastic bottle so that you can  dispose after. Upon reaching the dry area of the street,  wash your legs and feet with water. Bahala-na-kung-may-manood-sayo. HAHAHA!


3) USED TOWEL OR PIECE OF CLOTH (or tissue). Dry your legs and feet after washing with water.


4) ALCOHOL. To lessen bacteria (ofcourse we can’t say it’ll be ‘bacteria-free’), pour a generous amount of alcohol on your legs and feet, then let it dry for a few moment.

Walking in the street with floodwater is a RISK. Other than bacteria, there might be more harmful objects in the water – sharp objects, broken glasses/bottles, electrical wirings etc. BE EXTRA CAREFUL.

And that’ it pancit.. I hope this will somehow help you to be a certified RAIN WARRIOR!