
I don’t usually post election insights and sentiments here in facebook because, #1) I am not a good political analyst, #2) I don’t want to be one of those know-it-all “pabida”, #3) I am a registered voter but I can’t vote cause I am 13 hours away from my voting precinct (baka sabihin nila ‘so shut up na lang’ HAHAHA)

But this time, few hours before the election day, I’d like to share mine..

I choose to support DUTERTE. Basically maybe because I am one of those Filipinos who desperately wants a crime-free Philippines, a thing that needs the KAMAY NA BAKAL of this mayor. Who doesn’t want a safe place to live in? Who doesn’t want to feel comfortable and secured whenever you walk on streets? Most Filipinos want this change, that no matter what issue or controversy they throw to Digong, they still choose to support him.

As Digong say, “Obedience to the law is optional”, yes it’s true..very true. Especially now a days that bad people fear no one, even the law, the policemen and sadly, nor God.
Some people are afraid of him, and his soon-to-be administration because they say he kills people. Wait, he kills BAD PEOPLE. He kills criminals who KILL and DESTROY LIVES. If you do good and a law-abiding citizen, then why worry?

But then again, at the end of the day, CHANGE needs to start within OURSELVES. Duterte may just be the best way to help us. He may be just like a strict father who only wants what’s good for his children.

If he’ll make it, what he needs is OUR FULL COOPERATION. I hope we could support him the way we showed our warm support during the campaign period.


“Happy birthday, Leap Year babies!” 🎉


“Why do we have leap years?

A leap year, where an extra day is added to the end of February every four years, is down to the solar system’s disparity with the Gregorian calendar.

A complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, but the Gregorian calendar uses 365 days.

So leap seconds – and leap years – are added as means of keeping our clocks (and calendars) in sync with the Earth and its seasons.” -www.telegraph.co.uk

To know more about leap year read the article below:



Hello there, art enthusiasts and adult coloring book lovers!

Remember my post about coloring book? (OBRA Adult Coloring Books 1st Series). OBRA Adult Coloring Book now has its 2nd series! 6 thematic books that can be addition to your collection! Now I’ve provided GIF for you to see the 24-sheet fillers 🙂

ARKITECTURA– Made of different geometrical figures inspired by architectural designs.

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AQUATIKA – Illustrations of aquatic animal creatures enhanced with fine and detailed line designs.

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FLORA & FAUNA– Flora which means flowers/plants; and Fauna which means animals. OBRA’s Flora and Fauna is combination of plants and animals.

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MANDALA – Sanskrit word which is spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religion, now used as common term for any diagram or geometric pattern usually circular in shape.

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SANCTUARIO – From the word sanctuary which means nature reserve, this is inspired by “sanctuary of birds”.

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TINTAThis is perfect for male adult coloring book fans! OBRA Tinta has several tattoo art illustrations that can also be used as reference for real tattoo.

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Now available in the market for only P149.75! 🙂

Thank you for reading!








