Hello there, art enthusiasts and adult coloring book lovers!

Remember my post about coloring book? (OBRA Adult Coloring Books 1st Series). OBRA Adult Coloring Book now has its 2nd series! 6 thematic books that can be addition to your collection! Now I’ve provided GIF for you to see the 24-sheet fillers 🙂

ARKITECTURA– Made of different geometrical figures inspired by architectural designs.

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AQUATIKA – Illustrations of aquatic animal creatures enhanced with fine and detailed line designs.

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FLORA & FAUNA– Flora which means flowers/plants; and Fauna which means animals. OBRA’s Flora and Fauna is combination of plants and animals.

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MANDALA – Sanskrit word which is spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religion, now used as common term for any diagram or geometric pattern usually circular in shape.

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SANCTUARIO – From the word sanctuary which means nature reserve, this is inspired by “sanctuary of birds”.

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TINTAThis is perfect for male adult coloring book fans! OBRA Tinta has several tattoo art illustrations that can also be used as reference for real tattoo.

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Now available in the market for only P149.75! 🙂

Thank you for reading!








